About Me

I was lucky enough to be given an opportunity to work for a non-profit in insurance regulation. In an assistant role to the Center for Insurance Policy and Research and Actuarial Services at the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, I was able to discover and develop a myriad of skills. Beyond daily administrative tasks for a staff that supported over 40 committees and subcommittees, I jumped into up and coming topics that would potentially affect the insurance industry. Sounds riveting, right? Wait for it. Some of these things that may spark a reader's interest are autonomous vehicles, medical and recreational marijuana, bitcoin and blockchain, drones, and the affordable care act.

Because of this amazing company, I was introduced to web development on an administrative daily maintenance level and predictive data analytics on a executive and regulatory level.

My hobbies are my life and I love them tremendously. I bake to the extent of buying ingredients in bulk. I knit to the extreme of needing a yarn closet just to hold my excess of "maybe one day" skeins. I quilt with the hopes my daughter will just as my grandmother did. I garden just so I know when I'm canning preserves, how much love was given to each vegetable and fruit in the process. I play the flute because everyone wants to know a flute player who can bang out some Dylan tunes, right?

So, little house on the prairie over here all the time. And that's my spare time. I am a mother of two wonderful children and a three fantasitic dogs. I enjoy volunteering within the community and staying civically engaged locally.